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Jenna White

- Position:
- Marketing & HR Manager
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- (604) 882-5130 ext. 360
Miscellaneous Information
- At the ripe age of seven, Jenna became a golf prodigy due to her tremendous success at the Camp Redwoods Junior program right here at The Redwoods Golf Course. Her success and dedication became a staple in the foundation of the Camp Redwoods program to this day. Even though Jenna was a golf phenom at such an early age, she gave other sports a chance and her attention eventually shifted towards soccer, volleyball and softball. Now she enjoys packing her bags and exploring the world one country at a time. Fortunately for us, Jenna has found her way home and back to Redwoods. She is now our marketing guru and works closely with our social media accounts, so send her a DM or comment on her Facebook posts when you get a chance!